a clash of steel, petals fall from a wilting rose, the acrid scent of burning aether

The Errant Knight of Love

An errant adventurer, whimsical and care-free, Rivienne travels Hydaelyn purely for adventure's sake. Born an orphan in Ishgard's destitute Brume, Rivienne escaped through dedicated training, luck, and a passion for life and love.

Rivienne is deeply personable, and tries her hardest to charm. Earnest to a fault, her actions often lead her into involving herself in other people's business more than necessary. Never ill-intentioned, Rivienne assumes the best in everyone, but is a devout enemy of the evil and those who would do harm. She is fiercely idealistic, her morality compromised of the Good, the Bad, and the Innocent.

Now a mercenary, Rivienne sates her thirst for adventure taking contracts across Aldenard, seeking causes to take up and evil to vanquish.

Age: 22
Sexuality/Gender: Lesbian trans woman
Height/Weight: 6 fulms, 4 ilms, 250 ponze
Skills: Ishgardian greatsword fencing, the Dark Arts, poetry
Known Associations: The Vivid Union (current, Lead Guard)

in the past

  • rivienne grew up on the streets of The Brume, known by a different name. she was infamous as a teenaged cutthroat and a brute. if you had ever run afoul of someone in those mean streets, you'd likely recognize her face.

  • In her later teenage years, rivienne was brought into the courts of ishgard by the minor House dorleaux. if you had ever attended a ball, or done business with the minor houses of Ishgard, you'd likely recognize her face.

  • more recently, rivienne spent a few years as an adventurer active in Dravania and the outskirts of coerthas. if you had ever required the skills of an adventurer, or traveled with a caravan through these parts, you'd likely recognize her face.

in the present

  • rivienne's likeness graces a bounty poster in ishgard. despite the political changes in ishgard, she is still wanted for the murder of a Temple Knight just two years ago. if you hunt bounties, or are a Temple knight, you'd likely recognize her face.

  • rivienne serves as the lead guard for The vivid union of ul'dah, a brothel and home for the infirm. if you seek pleasure or succor, you can find it, and Rivienne, at the vivid union.

  • You can contact me on Discord or in-game. Details for that below.

  • 18+ players and characters only.

  • I am absolutely open to RP involving dark, mature, and erotic themes, but as always reserve the right to abstain from RP I am uncomfortable with.

  • Please do not contact me if you would refer to my, or any of your characters, as a "trap, shemale, futa" or any other fetish word for trans and intersex bodies.

Discord: @TCKL#0420
In-Game: Rivienne Bonnaux@Mateus

coochie warm, ishgard cold